April 10, 2023
Perfect Food for Perfect Salvation
“Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you, for on Him the Father, God, has set His seal.” John 6:27 (NASB)
While passing by fields used for farming, I began to wonder about a few things. Much has been said about how much yield comes from each field and how many it could feed. The thing I wondered was, “What if the crop failed for that season?” “How many people would be affected by this failed crop?” This failed crop would not only fail to feed thousands but would also affect the poor farmer who had to do without income because of the failed crop. Perhaps he could even lose his farm over it. Let’s face it, the ground and its yield are up to God, weather, circumstances, infestation, or lack of good soil. I am sure any farmer could give many other reasons I haven’t mentioned. When the crop fails, the food it produces also fails.
When Jesus spoke to those searching for Him, He knew their hearts desire. The food they were searching was “food which perishes.” They had already experienced the physical food when He fed the five thousand. The word Jesus used, “perish” is, apollumi; meaning to destroy, destroy utterly, or even kill.[1] His usage of this word is a frightening one when used in the context of His message. He knew what could happen to food. It can be destroyed. The food the crowd were looking for was that which could be destroyed physically. Once it’s gone, the people would hunger. The more frightening part of his message had a spiritual component. The food He spoke about was, “but for the food which endures to eternal life.” The things people were searching for at this time were things which could not bring eternal life. It could only feed their stomachs, not their souls. The spiritual food Jesus was referring to was food that produced eternal life. This everlasting food of Jesus, produced everlasting life through the character of the “Son of Man.”
When I look at the packaging on the food, I many times look for brands I prefer. Not just because they are my favorite brand, but for something different as well. A long time ago, someone taught me the importance of looking at the quality assurance seal on the item. A farmer friend told me this quality assurance issue assured the item would be of the highest value, and quality. It was placed on only the best items. It also became something I learned to trust over the years. As I mentioned a few days ago, while in the Brazilian rainforest where Chiquita bananas were grown, it reinforced this. While in the Chiquita plant, our friend for the day mentioned the importance in the processing of the bananas to ensure they stayed fresh for as long as possible. Most folks don’t know how fast a banana will wilt without a step in the processing plant which is necessary. Quality is important. Jesus knew this. His food which only He could give mankind was of the highest quality. It was not subject to rot, infection, or decay.
Aren’t you glad today our salvation is the highest quality? The quality only God Himself can give. He knew what mankind could offer was subject to failure, but He sent His perfect Son and gave us the perfect gift, salvation. Nothing can ever destroy it. Nothing can ever change its terms. Nothing can ever damage it because, “the Father, God, has set His seal,” upon it. When God’s seal is on it, assure yourself today, it is the very best because He gave His very best!
[1] Robert L. Thomas, New American Standard Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries : Updated Edition (Anaheim: Foundation Publications, Inc., 1998).