Men’s Fraternity
What is Men's Fraternity?
Men's Fraternity is a series of three one-year-long studies, beginning with The Quest for Authentic Manhood, followed by Authentic Manhood: Winning at Work and Home, and concluding with The Great Adventure series.
More than just a rally or a Bible study, Men's Fraternity provides men with an encouraging process that teaches them how to live lives of authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ and directed by the Word of God.
Men's Fraternity was designed to help men come together and strengthen each other through weekly sessions that combine biblical teaching and small group interaction.
Wednesday Nights at 6:30PM
Fellowship Hall 3
By Pastor Mark Conrad
Each year, the Men’s Ministry hosts many events. Our biggest however, is the Beast Feast where we feed 600 men many meats, have outdoor activities, and then present the gospel through a guest speaker. In 2023 we had outdoorsman Jeff Danker! Check out below a sneak peak into Beast Feast and our Men’s Ministry.
Hear from men who have been in this class on what to expect!