Senior Ministry
Ministry to the 60+ Turning Point Family.
Luke 2:52 says, “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”.
This passage reminds us that no matter what stage of life we are in, there is always room for growth in our lives. That’s one of the reasons our church provides opportunities for growth and ministry to everyone from our newest additions in the nursery, up to our most senior saints. I would like to take a moment to highlight some ministry opportunities for our “Senior Partners”, Turning Points 60+ family.
Our Mystery Dinner Trip, usually every other month on a Monday afternoon. We hop on the bus and enjoy a ride to an undisclosed dinner destination.
Our Annual Thanksgiving Feast is another one you won't want to miss. Come sit around the bon fire, roast some marshmallows while you enjoy some old time gospel and bluegrass music. Also enjoy a covered dish thanksgiving feast along with deep fried turkey and all the fixins. Then rap up the evening with an old fashioned hay ride. This is a great time of fellowship and celebrating all the blessings we have to be thankful for.
Come join us for our annual Fall Excursion. You will enjoy great destinations like the Great Smokey mountains, The
Creation Museum, The Ark encounter and other fun and inspiring stops along the way.And of course, our Annual Winter Banquet will be back in February! Come enjoy a banquet style dinner and an evening that you won't soon forget.

"There are many ways to grow and many opportunities to serve here within the Senior Partners ministry of Turning Point. I want to encourage you to partner with us as we strive to know Him and make Him known.
Come join us on the Journey!"
Pastor Gregg Fischer