August 8, 2023

The Final Enemy To Be Conquered


“Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.’ But He was saying this to indicate the kind of death by which He was to die.” John 12:31-33 (NASB)


            I believe with all my heart the believer wants to be holy. He or she wants to please God, but the daily problem is sin. It causes death. As believers, we look forward to a day where the sin we fight against each day will one day be defeated. We are sick of what it does to our life, and to other’s we love and cherish. It hurts the spirit. Although we are not in hurry to leave this earth, we know one day the battle with the evil one will be over. The battle for our mind will finally be over. The thing between our ears will die, and we can receive a glorified mind. Jesus will take the burden of sin away. There will be no more struggles, and no more battles in our mind, even when it seeks to please God. Jesus gives the final order to sin in today’s passages. “Death, your time is coming to a close.”


            “Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.” Jesus did not deny the power of Satan, but here He claims victory over him. The cross would be the death blow. This blow would render the evil one’s power over death powerless. “Now the ruler of this world will be cast out.” Calvin says, “for the confusion and deformity arise from this, that while Satan usurps tyrannical dominion, iniquity everywhere abounds. When Satan has been cast out, therefore, the world is brought back from its revolt, and placed under obedience to the government of God.”[1] Others might remark, “How does Christ plan to do this?” It is found in His next statement, “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.’ But He was saying this to indicate the kind of death by which He was to die.” Jesus was referring here to the cross, “if I am lifted up from earth…” This reference is not only to the cross, but there is included a reference to the resurrection and ascension. This gives power to the believer through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God works in and through the believer’s life to preserve, and protect them from the power of sin in their daily life. But it must start with the call to salvation first. Even the Greeks (as Gentiles) heard this message as Jesus spoke. The message allowed all Jew and Gentile to come through the door into God’s forgiveness. “Again, Jesus’ response did not so much answer their question as it answered their need. They needed to put their faith in Him while they could. As for being “lifted up,” Jesus would be lifted up from the earth to die on the cross. But He also would rise from the grave and be lifted up in resurrection. Finally, He would be lifted up from the earth to ascend into Heaven. When this was accomplished, He would draw all men to His person. This verse does not say that all men would respond to the drawing power of Jesus. As a magnet uses its pulling power, some objects are moved and some are not, depending on the resistance of the object drawn. Jesus urged, “Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light” (John 12:36). Then Jesus slipped away from the crowd.[2]


            Are you ready for the final day? Jesus is coming back, but for now He has given us the power of the Holy Spirit to live here and now. Your battle with sin today depends on you…

[1] Calvin, J., & Pringle, W. (2010). Commentary on the Gospel according to John (Vol. 2, pp. 36–37). Logos Bible Software.

[2] Foster, L. (1987). John: Unlocking the Scriptures for You (pp. 142–143). Standard.


August 9, 2023


August 7, 2023