February 15, 2023
Son-Light verses Sunlight
“But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.” John 3:21 (NASB)
We all in one way or another have been exposed to COVID-19 or its effects upon our lives. With all of the changes within our society, it brought much to our lives. Some were by our own choices and some by governing authorities. Whatever changes, disagreements, or practices, it brought changes to the way we interact. In my family’s life, the virus affected those close to me. After contracting the virus back in 2020, I remember staying at home while my wife was in the hospital. While I was home recovering, I remember finally getting the energy to take out the trash. What I experienced outside helped me considerably. It was my contact with light. Sunlight to be exact. The next day, I remember going outside and sitting in the sunlight. It just made me feel better. When my wife returned home, I made sure I sat her in the sunlight as well. It made a big difference for her too. I spent a lot of time in prayer during that time as well. Prayer for my wife, prayer for those I cared about, and our nation as it coped with the virus. I went to the Light in prayer. I read my Bible a lot. I wanted to see what God had for me each day. I went to the Light of His Word. He illuminated my soul too.
The usage of the word Light, or phaos appears again in Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus. In this passage Jesus tells Nicodemus that those who practice truth are drawn by the light, not driven from it. Furthermore, Jesus said that mankind is not perfect, but should practice being in the Light. This is in the power and presence of God. We want the light to be turned on. We hunger for it. This is the case of a Christian who experiences the presence of God, by desiring Light. What is interesting in the previous verses there is a usage of those who do “evil” and those who do “truth.” I hate to say it, but truth is revealed in the above verses. Mankind left to himself, “… loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.” (John 3:19). Augustine himself said, “that to do truth means “to acknowledge that we are miserable and destitute of all power of doing good;”[1] This is where we were prior to salvation. Those who trust Jesus as Savior have the ability to embrace the new nature. We can now battle in God’s power. This doesn’t mean there isn’t a fight each day, but a genuine desire to embrace “truth” lives in the heart of the believer.
As I reflect back on the time indoors and sick with the virus, I know that that short time of being in the sunlight helped me feel better. Something was missing and now being outside, made me better. My body and sanity needed it. When I was sick indoors, I spent time in Son-Light though. Spending time with my Lord and Savior comforted me. It was what I needed during that time. God created each of us so that we interact with His creation. It makes us feel better to be outside in the sunlight. He created that for you and me. The most important thing though is the time in Son-Light. It works in and through me and helps me experience the Light. If you’re sick today, take in some Son-Light today. Let God give you that power you need today. Then when you are well enough, take some time to go outside and immerse yourself in some good old sunlight. It too will allow you to feel better and be healthier, inside, and out!
[1] John Calvin and William Pringle, Commentary on the Gospel according to John, vol. 1 (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2010), 129.