February 27, 2023
“God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. The woman said to Him, I know that Messiah is coming (He who is called Christ); when that One comes, He will declare all things to us. Jesus said to her, I who speak to you am He.” John 4:24-26 (NASB)
In a world where people think they are more important than others, there is no wonder there are problems. Mankind often thinks the world revolves around him or her. It doesn’t. Here is an example which is unarguable. Traffic on the roadways of America. If you ever have driven a car or truck, you can identify. Many think it is their private road, not yours. Going from one destination to another, we find ourselves trying to help other cars at one time or another. We might even find ourselves helping them speed up or move them aside. We might even say things to them we feel is helpful, at given moments. One way or another, it’s safe to say most of us, (if we are honest) would like to control others. We may not say it, but we think internally, I am more important. I control what happens in my life. I am. I matter. We all have this “I” problem.
Jesus continues his conversation with the woman, He explain deeper truths. These deeper truths are more than most have heard. “Those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” He reveals Himself more to her on this day than he had to any of His disciples. He also uses two words to describe how mankind should come by worshipping in “spirit” and “truth.” The word “spirit” is possible to translate, we “will worship the Father as He truly is” or we “will worship the Father as the One who He truly is.”[1] The word, “Truth” closest equivalent may be read as “worshiping Him in the true way, the way He wants” or “worshiping Him genuinely, just as He wants to be worshiped.”[2] So it is clear Jesus wanted everyone who came to worship Him to come as who He truly is, and the way He wants it to be worshipped. But this isn’t the way we are in reality. We are more important. We have even proven it in our past too.
As Jesus concludes His final words, He reveals His true nature to her, “I who speak to you am He.” In the original language, the term “am He” does not appear. It appears “am.” The word “He” was later added for smoother reading as translations appeared. This is why this word is italicized. The word eimi; means, “I exist, I am.” This is one of the many references Jesus uses to define Himself as deity. He is simply saying, “I AM.” Jesus is the I AM. I AM God.
So how does this impact each of us each day? We need to realize first that God is the self-existent One. He doesn’t have a beginning or end. He has always been. We haven’t. We are here as the Bible describes as a vapor. It is here one moment and then gone. The world does not revolve around us, it revolves by God’s power. It will continue to revolve long after we are gone unless Jesus calls all of us home before. So how does this affect my life now? We are to recognize that God is bigger than you and I. We are here to worship Him in Spirit and Truth each day. We do not control what happens in this life. The I AM does. For those of us who know the I AM, He is the One who controls our days here and beyond. So, use your time wisely for His kingdom. Maybe even let someone in traffic for a change. Recognize God loves them too, and they don’t live in our world. We live in His!
[1] Barclay Moon Newman and Eugene Albert Nida, A Handbook on the Gospel of John, UBS Handbook Series (New York: United Bible Societies, 1993), 122.
[2] Ibid, 122.