February 6, 2023
Doc knew…
“Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name, observing His signs which He was doing. But Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men, and because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man.” John 2: 23-25 (NASB)
I remember in seminary years ago; I attended a Bible class with Dr. Harold Wilmington while at Liberty University. Dr. Wilmington was one of my favorite professors. I had some really great professors, but out of all he stood out. One night in class he asked a question. I remember various conclusions from each student. Most were wrong, but he was so gentle and graceful. When it came to my turn, I thought I had the correct one. I was wrong too. Dr. Wilmington took the time to explain the question again and then led us through numerous passages of scripture until we all had a “aha” moment. He knew all the time we were off course, but he carefully and gracefully led us in the right direction. I learned to trust him that night. I have to say, Dr. Wilmington helped me tremendously in seminary through trusting his Bible knowledge. He even humbly shared with our class one night he had memorized 75% of the Bible. I can trust that!
“But Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men.” Believing or trusting in something or someone is one thing. Believing or trusting because of what one has is another. Jesus knew the heart of all men, yet He would not believe in them the way they believed in Him. Their trust was superficial and self-serving. In fact, no new disciple came from this group as recorded in Scripture. He knew who really trusted Him and who didn’t.
Signs were occurring in connection and validation of Jesus ministry at this time of Passover. Many were believing (or trusting) in His name. “There is a kind of wordplay between this and, believed, in the preceding verse. Wycliff’s Version of the New Testament reproduces it: ‘Jesus himself believed not himself to them.’ He did not trust His person to them. Tyndale says, put not himself in their hands. “He had no faith in their faith” (Godet).”[1] Their trust factor was superficial. Jesus knew this. He knew who His enemies were, all their secrets, false friends, and their true characters. In converse, He knows who His are, knows their uprightness, and their weaknesses. He knows all. He knows the definition here of trust. This supernatural knowledge He has is the mark of deity.
Some of us might be better at trusting others than some. Some of us are skeptical when it comes to trust. In the world today it’s hard to trust a whole lot of what is said or promised. That’s why we have to place our trust in Someone who knows the true definition of the word “trust.” You see, the trust I built with Dr. Harold Wilmington was formed over experiential time with him. It didn’t happen in a vacuum. This is the way our trust is formed and grown in the Lord Jesus Christ, by time. Dr. Wilmington is home with the Lord now. What a wonderful legacy from such a great man I trusted! Form trust with those brothers and sisters in-Christ who will help you but begin with Jesus. Let the Holy Spirit lead.
[1] Marvin Richardson Vincent, Word Studies in the New Testament, vol. 2 (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1887), 87.