February 9, 2023

Embracing the Wind

 “The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” Nicodemus said to Him, “How can these things be?” John 3: 8-9 (NASB)

  I’ll never forget this memory. During an Alaska cruise, we sailed through the Mendenhall Glacier. We were several miles off, but I remember the temperature continued to drop as we drew near. It was so quiet and peaceful, but cold… We went to the bow of the ship to watch. The smell of Dutch Split Pea Soup was strong, and disgusting. Not for us! After a few minutes of cold winds, we decided that was enough and headed inside. Just as we got ready to go inside, a frail older gentleman came to the door. He passed us with his camera and began to head toward the rail. Then out of nowhere, a strong current of wind swept inside. As the wind hit the little gentleman, I saw something I’ll never forget. The wind sliced right through his coat and to his bones. His whole body shook like a baby with a rattle. He handed me his camera and asked me if I would take some pictures. Then he ran inside like a ten-year-old. After taking a few pictures I headed inside. My wife and I chuckled the entire day on and off. Perhaps we were rude, but we just couldn’t help it. It was so funny! The wind that hit him pierced him through thoroughly.

  The wind that John records here is that of the Holy Spirit not the physical. “The word “wind” comes from pneuma and occurs 370 times in the N. T. and never means wind elsewhere except in a quotation from the O. T. (Heb. 1:7 from Psa. 104:4). Furthermore, A. T. Robertson says something interesting about this wind, “Tholuck thinks that the night-wind swept through the narrow street as Jesus spoke.”[1] If we remember many of the illustrations Jesus used, He used those things which were common knowledge or occurred at the time. Whatever way Jesus taught; the truth is clear here. The Spirit of God moves where He desires. Those who are Christ’s hear it. They can’t always explain it, but they can hear it within themselves. The Spirit of God moves in ways we cannot comprehend. Just as men do not know where the wind comes each day, He does. Since mankind can’t understand the ways of God and how He moves, He hasn’t left us alone. He lives within each who have trusted Christ as their Savior. He also speaks to us as well. There are limitations to this though. As the Holy Spirit moves things can block us from understanding His direction or speaking. One of the main things is plain old sin. Sin blocks the ability for us to clearly hear His voice. The more unconfessed sin, the less sensitivity. Secondly, which impedes His voice is that of ignorance. Not by Him, by us. You see, if we want to know Him closer, it requires a knowledge of Him. How? By His Word. The greater familiarity, the greater the clarity. If we want to know Him more closely and hear Him more clearly, we have to read His Word.

 So how is your clarity in hearing the Spirit of God’s voice? Do you hear it clearly or is it foggy? Is it a sin problem or an ignorance problem? We all have it, but it is up to us to help clarify His voice. Perhaps non-existent? Then maybe you need to take a trip to the cross and let Jesus bring you into a relationship with God, He, and the Holy Spirit. You will be glad you did! And when He comes, don’t run from Him like the little old man on the ship…


[1] A.T. Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament (Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1933), Jn 3:8.


February 10, 2023


February 8, 2023