January 1, 2023
“In the Beginning was God…” John 1:1
A New Year begins. A lot of emotions will begin this year. For some it will be a New Year’s resolution. For others it could be another year they remain separated from their loved one. Whatever transpires this year, God knows it all. He began it all and he knows the future. He is from the eternal, the beginner of beginnings.
John wrote this letter by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He is God in Spirit form. When John penned “In the beginning” he understood that God existed before time. John also reflected these same words from Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning.” God chose a beginning for you and I. God came from outside the realm of time to create a “beginning.” Psalm 90:2 says,” Before the mountains were born, Or you gave birth to the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God” (NASB).
Beginning this New Year, understand that the God of creation and time knows it all. He began Creation and us too, perfectly in His will. He cares for us much more than we know. When He created the earth, you and I were the pinnacle of His creation. He also is the One who gave Christians His Spirit upon Salvation. Yes, He lives within us.
Christian, this year will you trust in the Beginner of Beginnings? Will you choose to ask Him for this year’s direction? If you don’t know Christ as your Savior, you will find a much more fulfilling year trusting in God. If you have never had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, will you choose Him today? If you are, here is how:
If God is leading you to a personal relationship with Himself, would you pray this prayer? “God, I know that You love me. I know I am a sinner, doomed without your forgiveness. You sent your Son to die for my sins on the cross as a payment for my sin. Today, I recognize my sinfulness and ask forgiveness through Jesus Christ’s precious life. I ask this in the best way I know how in faith. Please come into my life and live within me. I will live my life to honor and glorify you from this day forward. Thank you, Jesus, for saving my soul.”
If you prayed that prayer, would you let a Christian friend know? Then place your life in a Bible teaching and believing Christian church. Your new life, in a New Year is “beginning”, and God will help you navigate this new life by His Spirit.