January 23, 2023
Follower or True Follower?
“Again, the next day John was standing with two of his disciples, and he looked at Jesus as He walked, and said, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God!’ The two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.” John 1:35 (NASB)
In social media today, people become followers of differing people, groups, or companies. Many follow these entities for the purposes of aligned thoughts, interests, or popularity. But we change our interests and no longer follow those who were once important to us. Something new arrives, and out with old and in with the new. In our following of Christ though, this can’t take a back seat. If we do, we stay where the original two men who met Jesus were when they met him. They started by following Him and later became followers of Christ. I’ll share a little more in the following paragraphs of what I mean.
Over many long days, John the Baptist, repeated the call to repentance and later the commendation of Christ. He labored for a good while to prepare this coming Messiah. He even had his followers who listened to his teachings. Now the time had come. John the Baptist begins to resign his office to Christ. The torch was about to be passed. He was the messenger, and now the Message had arrived. He called those to the way of repentance, but the One who could provide the forgiveness had arrived. John the Baptist began to prepare disciples for Christ, but it would be Christ who collected a church. This culmination of Messiah’s ministry begins with the statement in verse 36, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” These two men introduced were John the Apostle, who later would write this letter, and Andrew Simon Peter’s brother. They became followers of Jesus, but they never had any idea what all that would entail.
The two men hear His words, “and they began to follow” Jesus. This word “follow” doesn’t mean they became permanent disciples at that time. They merely began to listen and observe Jesus in his teachings. Another context for this word “follow” is to “travel.” They traveled to hear Jesus’ teachings. They heard the testimonies of John the Baptist, but over time and exposure to Jesus’ teachings, they would become permanent disciples of Christ. In fact, Jesus’ call for them to become permanent followers did not come until later. Matthew 4:18-20 records it: “Now as Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon who was called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed Him.” This time, the word “follow” means in “behavior.” Their once naiveness became full commitment to the Messiah’s teachings. They became true followers.
This brings a hefty challenge to you and me each day. Do we follow Christ daily like the original two brothers did in the beginning? Do we listen and say, “These are some great words He teaches. There are some really good truths to these words He speaks.” If we do, we only become single-minded in our following Christ. His messages work for us when we want them to speak to us. Otherwise, we might rationale, “That doesn’t work for me now.” To truly follow Christ involves a “behavioral” change in us, not just a “location” change as the first word mentioned does. For instance, I know several people who attend Christian events every year and love what they hear, and the messages they hear from speakers, but never have any real changes in their lives. Today, dedicate your life to truly following Jesus Christ!