January 25, 2023
The Future Only He Can See
“One of the two who heard John speak and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.
He found first his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which translated means Christ). He brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon the son of John; you shall be called Cephas” (which is translated Peter).”
John 1:40-42 (NASB
When I first began the Christian life, I had no idea of what Jesus’ plans for me were. I knew I was one of His children, but I wasn’t sure the direction my life would take. Jesus knew them all the time. He knew my future as He said: “you shall be called.” All I knew was I wanted to know Him more. I didn’t know how to ask for it, but Jesus knew what I needed. He said, “you shall be called.” He sent a man into my life who helped me learn the Scriptures through discipleship. Eventually, I began to follow this new life. This gentleman who helped me didn’t know my future either. Jesus did. He said, “you shall be called.” In fact, I wonder if the man had any concept of what lie ahead in my life. I sure didn’t. Jesus did. He said, “you shall be called.” If you were to ask me some 30 plus years ago what would transpire in my life, I would be clueless. Jesus knew. He has fulfilled some of it when He made the calling to me in ministry as a pastor. Take heed and listen to these words, “you shall be called.” Jesus knows your future.
There is power in what Christ saw in Peter that day. “You shall be called Cephas.” This is prophecy of what God sees in man. This name is something that Christ gave Peter for the future, of what “you shall be called.” John Calvin says, “He now magnifies the grace which he determined afterwards to bestow upon him; and therefore, he does not say that this is now his name, but delays it till a future time.”[1] God sees a future in all of us who call upon His name for salvation. In all lives as Christians, the godly can justly be called “Peters” (Cephas- or stones), being founded on Christ. We are stones, and part of the temple of God. Jesus called out Peter that day singularly for His purpose in the future of the church. Peter just met Jesus, but Jesus saw his future. Peter would be an integral part of the founding of the churches in this era, but he was not the chief cornerstone as some faiths teach today. Jesus is that chief cornerstone. It was built by His sacrifice, not mankind’s.
When God begins the work of salvation (saving) and sanctification (consecration) in the heart of the believer, He changes them forever. He begins a work in which no heart ever knows the future of what “you shall be called.” When we become believers, forgiven by Christ of our sins, we are only beginning the journey toward the future that He only knows. Some are called to differing gifts along the way, we are called to the same body of Christ Jesus. When we are called by Jesus Christ, we are called to a future that He knows and has secured for each one who has called upon Jesus to save. That calling is then directed by Him who knows every step of his life.
Today, Jesus Christ knows your future. You are in the best hands anyone could ever place you. He knows your today, your tomorrow, and your eternity. He will never leave you forever. He has placed His Spirit within you to guide you into your future. This calling begins and ends with Him!
[1] John Calvin and William Pringle, Commentary on the Gospel according to John, vol. 1 (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2010), 73.