July 1, 2023

Intentional Delays


“Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when He heard that he was sick, He then stayed two days longer in the place where He was. Then after this He said to the disciples, “Let us go to Judea again.” John 11:5-7 (NASB)


            When my wife and I getting ready to leave Europe, we checked in an airport hotel while in Frankfurt Germany. We figured we had an early start that next day. This would give us a good jump start the next day. When we got up the next day, we checked out. We both noticed how quiet the airport seemed. Usually, there were thousands of people hustling through the airport trying to make their flights. Even German trains came into this airport making it busier. When we left the hotel, I hailed a cab to take us to the international terminal. The driver asked us if we were sure. He said he was informed all the airlines had a nation-wide strike for the day. I told him our app for the flight said it was on time (I guess they went on strike too and never updated the app). He politely took us to the terminal. When we arrived, he said he would wait, just in case the terminal was closed. It was. We asked him to take us back to the airport, so we could try to get our old room back again. We did. The next day we finally got our flight, but it was delayed for hours, in near freezing weather with the airplane doors left open awaiting more passengers. The strike ended that day, only to strike again in France the following. The strikes were intentional, due to workers seeking higher wages.


            “So when He heard that he was sick, He then stayed two days longer in the place where He was.” To understand this, a partial text is attached to help understand some of the Jewish beliefs which are still practiced today: “According to the Talmud (Genesis Kabbah 100:7), the soul hovers over the body for three days after death. The human soul is somewhat lost and confused between death and before burial, and it stays in the general vicinity of the body, until the body is interred. The shomrim (people who guard the body) sit and read aloud comforting psalms during the time that they are watching the body. This serves as a comfort for both the spirit of the departed who is in transition and the shomer (male guardian) or shomeret (female guardian). Traditionally, shomrim read Psalms or the book of Job. Shomrim are also encouraged to meditate, pray, and read spiritual texts, or texts about death. Shomrim are prohibited from eating, drinking, or smoking in the shemira (guard duty) room out of respect for the dead, who can no longer do these things.”[1] Jewish tradition teaches the dead body is not truly dead until the fourth day. In other words, the soul hovers over the body hoping for re-entrance. Once the body starts the decomposition process the soul knows there is no going back, and departs. Remember, nowhere in Scripture are these beliefs found. They are superstitious teachings from Jewish teachers of the time. More false teachings to confuse the Jews.


            I can imagine Jesus waited intentionally to make sure everyone knew Lazarus was completely dead. Jesus knew exactly what He was doing when He delayed His trip. He knew when He resurrected Lazarus from the dead, it would be something no one could dispute. Imagine the scene. Surely the Jews would believe after this event. But would they? I know too many people today that have seen something they can’t explain. Some are Christians and some are not. One thing which is common in both is the short memory of mankind. Do you have it?

[1] https://www.jewish-funerals.org/shemira/.


July 2, 2023


June 30, 2023