July 5, 2023

Death’s Stages


“So when Jesus came, He found that he had already been in the tomb four days.” John 11:17 (NASB)


            In law enforcement, death was a familiar sight. One month, I worked almost 20 death investigations. Death is unnatural to the living. It’s even frightening to those who have never observed it. We all live, and we all die. This is the reality of life. I’ve been with some who have died in the last few minutes after attempts at CPR, all the way to some who were found months after. I have seen all the next few examples shared. The Christian should not fear death though.


            “… he had already been in the tomb four days.” In Jewish custom, burial took place on the day of death. “The body was placed inside a cave which was carved out from rock, with a small entrance leading inside. Shelves were cut out or constructed inside the area in order to bury additional family members.”[1] Borchert says, “The general belief was that the spirit of the deceased hovered around the body for three days in anticipation of some possible means of reentry into the body. But on the third day it was believed that the body lost its color, and the spirit was locked out. Therefore the spirit was obliged to enter the chambers of Sheol (the place of the dead). The passing of the third day, therefore, signaled the conclusion of the last modicum of hope for the mourners.”[2] We know now from modern science not all of this is true today. There are five stages of death: “[3]Pallor mortis, the first stage, when the body pales because of lack of blood flow. It occurs within 15-30 minutes of death. Secondly, called Algor Mortis, is when the body begins to lose it ability, by inactivity of the brain, to maintain body temperature. The body will match the external temperature within 18-20 hours. Third, Rigor Mortis occurs when the body turns stiff after a couple of hours. This is due to lack of oxygen. Fourth, Livor Mortis occurs when the blood moves to the lowest point of the body, wherever the position of the body finally rests. This takes place about 6-8 hours, with skin tone turning from 6-8 hours. Lastly, Decomposition occurs. This is when the cells, starved of oxygen begin to die, the body bloats, and begins decay. This occurs about the second day, and proceeds to last for 5-6 days.”


            Why do I share these terrible stages of death today? We all need to appreciate the fragility of life. We all have such a short time. Before we know it, our time here is over. Life is such a precious gift from God. Take air away from the body for a few minutes and the brain begins to die. When it does, the rest of the body dies. The brain controls the entire body. When it doesn’t get the oxygen it needs, everything else dies. When Christ comes into the believers life, He is our Head or Brain. He is the One who controls our life. Without Him, the body breaks down. Life pales (like the skin in Pallor Mortis). We become cold towards Christ (like Algor Mortis). We are stiff-necked to God’s Word (like Rigor Mortis). We settle for the things which are fleshly (like Livor Mortis), and begin to settle (like the blood in our body settles) for anything but God. Our relationship decomposes (like Decomposition). You can’t control what happens to your body one day, but don’t settle for what can happen in your spiritual life today. We know the One who gives us life eternal so, make it a life worth living!

[1] (MacArthur, John, 1997), 1606.

[2] Borchert, G. L. (1996). John 1–11 (Vol. 25A, p. 354). Broadman & Holman Publishers.

[3] https://www.medicinenet.com/what_are_the_stages_of_rigor_mortis/article.htm.


July 6, 2023


July 4, 2023