July 9, 2023

I AM The Resurrection


“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?’”  John 11:25-26 (NASB)


            When Martha encountered Jesus that day, He would challenge her to decide. Would she be known as the one who served Jesus, or would she decide in her heart to put all her works down and be a Mary? Would she sit and listen to the Master or go back to busyness? Was her service to Jesus good enough to warrant her resurrection one day? Jesus had the answers.


            “Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life…” MacArthur explains this well, “This is the fifth in a series of 7 great “I AM” statements of Jesus (see 6:35, 8:12, 10:7, 9, 10:11, 14). With this statement, Jesus moved Martha from an abstract belief in the resurrection that will take place “at the last day” (cf. 5:28, 29) to a personalized trust in Him who alone can raise the dead. No resurrection or eternal life exist outside of the Son of God. Time (“at the last day”) is no barrier to the One who has the power of resurrection and life (1:4) for He can give life at any time.”[1] Imagine this. All your life hearing about the Great Resurrection, and what will transpire in the future for all Jews, and now hearing it from the One who designed and created the opportunity. It goes from being as MacArthur says, “abstract belief” to a living breathing opportunity. This opportunity is given by God Almighty, who is in your presence. I also love the way the Scripture presents the next statement, “he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.” Marvin says this beautifully, “Every believer is in reality and forever sheltered from death. To die with full light, in the clear certainty of the life, which is in Jesus, to die only to continue to live to Him, is no longer that fact which human language designates by the name of death. It is as though Jesus had said: In me death is certain to live, and the living is certain never to die (Godet).”[2] After looking at this verse, note something as well: All personal pronouns Jesus uses referring to mankind are lower case. All references to Jesus begin with capital letters. This is obviously pointing to the deity of God, but it also tells us where we stand under supreme authority. We are little. He is great. So Jesus gives the invitation, “he who believes in Me.” It takes mankind to its knees. It takes belief and faith. This belief gives life eternal with Him. Then Jesus asks for a decision, “Do you believe this?”


            It is certain everyone who lives one day will die. This with 100% certainty. The question for all is where you will spend eternity. We all live forever, its just where we live (as we have said previously). To make no decision is to reject the loving hand of God. To say, “I will wait,” it’s just saying “no, not now.” It still is a “no” answer. I cannot understand to this day is why someone would reject God’s loving offer. This decision doesn’t cost us anything. Jesus paid this price. He paid it all so we could enjoy the fruits of eternal life in heaven one day. We just need to believe. When we believe, we see ourselves as we really are before God, sinners without hope, condemned from birth. Then, from the conviction of the Holy Spirit, He shows us our need and draws into a loving relationship with Him as we confess our sinfulness to and ask for forgiveness. Why would anyone reject this loving offer? You tell me!

[1] (MacArthur, John, 1997), 1606.

[2] Vincent, M. R. (1887). Word studies in the New Testament (Vol. 2, p. 203). Charles Scribner’s Sons.


July 10, 2023


July 8, 2023