May 27, 2023

Progressions of Evil


“Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple.” John 8:59 (NASB)


            Today, I want you to see something I think you really can connect with today in this passage. It only takes one passage to see the progression. When I began to reflect upon today’s passage, God said, “That’s enough for today.” “It should be plenty to think about.” Hatred doesn’t begin immediately. It is fostered by bitterness and dwelling in the past. I think about half way through this devotion you will see what I am talking about today… Saddle up.


             “Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him,” indicates from the language the mob at this time were ready to act. Parts of the temple were still in the rebuilding phase, so pieces of stone could be readily obtained for the stoning. You can imagine several Jews running to the rock pile to pick up choice stones to hurl at Jesus. Towns breaks it down very easily for us to see: “The response of the Jews to Christ revelation of Himself as the “I am” demonstrates just how severely they were blinded to truth. Despite the fact that they were in the temple area (8:20), it was the Sabbath (9:14), and Jesus had not been formally charged before the Sanhedrin, the Jews took steps to stone Him. The verb balosin (cast) suggests a picture of at least some members of the mob already beginning to throw stones. Jesus escaped by hiding Himself. Some have suggested He hid by physically vanishing or blinding His enemies, but the verb ekrube should probably be interpreted to mean He hid Himself in a group of people- He was lost in the crowd. Jesus did not run away, as a victim might run from a mob that is trying to kill him. Jesus knew His time had not come (13:1).”[1] While blasphemy against God was a death penalty for the Jews (Leviticus 24:16), Jesus was not committing the act because He spoke the things which came from His Father (8:36-45). These words of Jesus could be verified by reviewing their fathers writings who were now dead. “It would have been blasphemy if the claim had not been true.”[2]


            Over the last several chapters, look at the interesting progression in the behavior of the Jews. They are threatened by His Words. They begin to murmur against Him. Then, they begin to ask Him questions to see if He will misspeak. Then, they start to undermine His heritage by asking pointless questions which are based without facts. Then, we see them outwardly accusing Him of speaking against God. Then, they accuse Him of blasphemy. Finally, to this point, we see them picking up stones to kill Him. Their attacks weren’t over. They had more to say and do. These behaviors are much like what you and I see today in the behavior of every human alive. These progressions of action follow the same course when we are threatened by words we don’t want to hear. We dwell on things, then sow seeds of bitterness or envy of another, then begin undermining or verbally attacking the person. It finally leads to attacking the person physically. It is a natural progression of humanity without God’s presence. The Jews verified their identity and who their father was as they attacked Jesus. “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father.” We too can do it. Yes, even Christians do it, and sometimes we act just like the world; maybe it’s because they are…

[1] Elmer Towns, The Gospel of John: Believe and Live, moody Press (Chicago, Ill: 1990), 178-179.

[2] Lewis Foster, John: Unlocking the Scriptures for You, Standard Bible Studies (Cincinnati, OH: Standard, 1987), 106.


May 28, 2023


May 26, 2023