Spring Break Mission Trip
We are headed back to the Dominican Republic during Spring Break again this year! Please be praying over our team as they partner with local pastors, encounter the lost with the Gospel, and build up the church in the Dominican Republic

SLU 101
Student Leadership University 101 is the first step down the SLU leadership journey. Held in Orlando, FL, this conference gives students a year’s worth of Leadership development in just four days. This dynamic experience allows attendees to learn from world-class thought leaders in creative and participatory environments inside and outside of the conference room. SLU teaches each student practical and relational life skills to change the way they think, dream and lead at the feet of Jesus.
Check out the SLU website HERE for more information
Cost is $725, and covers the hotel stay and all conference costs, and a $100 deposit is due at sign up

Summer Camp
We are heading back to REALIFE Camp in Vero Beach, FL this summer for a week of spiritual growth, fun activities, and engaging worship services
If a 2025 Online Medical Waiver has not been filled out yet for your student, click on the graphic below to get that filled out and submitted
Payments can be made in the Hangar Student Center, through the information window in the foyer, or online using the following link: PAY ONLINE
Dates: July 21 - 25
Cost: $335 per student
$50 due by February 23
$50 due by March 30
Remaining balance due by June 15

DNOW 2025
DNOW is an at home retreat that engages students into a deeply immersed spiritual weekend, full of worship, powerful preaching sessions, and intimate small group gatherings. Wherever students are at in their faith journey, DNOW will help to thrust them towards Jesus! Our theme this year is “GRAVITATE”…
There are things and people in this world that we instinctively gravitate toward, factors that draw us in. But our natural desires draw us away, causing us to drift in a direction we shouldn’t go. We all have sinful desires, but God desires to rescue his children. If we want to gravitate to the path that leads to life (Matt. 7:13–14), our desires must change, which means our hearts must change. And only God can change a heart (Ezekiel 36:26). When we repent and turn to Jesus in faith, we begin to surrender our desires to God and live in such a way that others will notice. This study will dig into human nature, God’s grace, and the importance of following Jesus daily.
Dates: January 24-26, 2025
Cost: $50
Payment can be made in the Hangar Student Center or ONLINE
All students must have an up to date medical waiver form filled out to attend this event. Click on the graphic below to access this form

iServe is an annual serve weekend event here in our own community. Through community partnerships and projects here on our church campus, students have the opportunity to serve others, share the love of Jesus, and spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Christian Educators Breakfast
Each year we get to host a breakfast for educators and administrators in our county to gather and pray over the upcoming school year. It is an honor for us to have the opportunity to plug our students into a serve opportunity that connects them in this unique way with Christian Educators that are in their schools pouring into them on a daily basis.

Youth Camp
Camp week is always one of the greatest impacts throughout our year of programming! We’ll be heading back to REALIFE Camp in Vero Beach again.
A $50 deposit is due at the time of sign up, and sign ups are out now!

slu 101
SLU 101 provides a year’s worth of leadership development in just 4 days. This dynamic experience allows attendees to learn from world-class thought leaders in creative and participatory environments inside and outside of the conference room. SLU teaches each student practical and relational life skills to change the way they think, dream and lead at the feet of Jesus.

Summer Mission Trip
ON MISSION to Cape Coral, FL!
We will be partnering with First Cape Coral to minister to and reach the lost of South FL!

Graduate Recognition
Grad Recognition Sunday is a chance for our church to congratulate and honor our graduating seniors. We will recognize them in the main morning worship service, as well as provide a lunch fellowship following service. If you have a graduating senior, grab a copy of the form below and return it by May 5

JR | SR Retreat
JR | SR is our annual prom alternative event, and is open to all juniors and seniors in high school, who have not attended their school prom event.
We will be dressing up in our fancy clothes, dining in style, and enjoying a weekend of fun and fellowship!
Cost is $125

DNOW 2024
Disciple Now is an at home weekend retreat specifically designed to engage your student in Scripture and spiritual relationships in a unique and challenging way. With host homes, large and small group sessions, and intentional relationships, DNOW is an event your student does not want to miss!

Chili Bowl 2024
This will be the time to bring your team to register for the Saturday tournament. All players must be present to register, and must stay through the end of the event to play in the Saturday tournament.