DNOW is an at home retreat that engages students into a deeply immersed spiritual weekend, full of worship, powerful preaching sessions, and intimate small group gatherings. Wherever students are at in their faith journey, DNOW will help to thrust them towards Jesus! Our theme this year is “GRAVITATE”…
There are things and people in this world that we instinctively gravitate toward, factors that draw us in. But our natural desires draw us away, causing us to drift in a direction we shouldn’t go. We all have sinful desires, but God desires to rescue his children. If we want to gravitate to the path that leads to life (Matt. 7:13–14), our desires must change, which means our hearts must change. And only God can change a heart (Ezekiel 36:26). When we repent and turn to Jesus in faith, we begin to surrender our desires to God and live in such a way that others will notice. This study will dig into human nature, God’s grace, and the importance of following Jesus daily.
Dates: January 24-26, 2025
Cost: $50
Payment can be made in the Hangar Student Center or ONLINE
All students must have an up to date medical waiver form filled out to attend this event. Click on the graphic below to access this form