January 7, 2023
Light that Penetrates Darkness
“The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” John 1:5 (NASB)
Years ago, my wife and I took a cruise to Alaska. It was going to be the cruise of a lifetime. We were convinced in this cruise we would spend more to purchase an outside cabin. We didn’t want to miss any of the fantastic views while we were onboard. An unknown, bigger problem arose later. After we spent the first night on the ship we came to that realization. During this time of the year (March or April), there is very little darkness outside in Alaska. In fact, if I am correct, I believe there were close to 18 hours of light each day. This made it extremely hard to determine whether it was still night or day when we were trying to sleep. I would see light peeking under the curtain of the cabin door each time we went to bed.
In this passage when John wrote this, he was referring to the phrase “In the beginning,” from verses 1 and then again in 3. This refers to the physical creation and its agent, Jesus Christ. “In Scripture ‘light’ and ‘darkness’ are very familiar symbols. Intellectually, ‘light’ refers to biblical truth while ‘darkness’ refers to error or falsehood (Ps. 119:105, Prov. 6:23). Morally, ‘light’ refers to holiness or purity, while ‘darkness’ refers to sin or wrongdoing.”[1] Since these contexts are too numerous to contain in one writing, let’s observe just one for today.
When light is present it drives darkness from its source. If a candle is in dark room, it emits light from its source, the flame. Not every corner of the room will be exposed to the light, as it tends to diminish further from the source. In my story above, light penetrated into our cabin from its source as well, God. There was no way to escape its presence during our cruise, except when it removed itself from our presence. God from the beginning, who is Light, brought life on this earth. When John said, “darkness did not comprehend it,” a better translation might read, “darkness did not overcome it.” Just as the light under our cabin door penetrated our dark room, we couldn’t stop it. Just as the candle emanates light in a darkened room darkness cannot be in its presence. Just as God provided light to darkness in Creation, He overcame by the power of His light.
Your Creator has overcome darkness. There is nothing that can overcome Him. He is the light giver to all. As you reflect today on this simple truth, thank Him for being your overcomer each day. For even in death your Creator has overcome this too. If you are looking for the answers to life’s questions about how to overcome, remember that there is a God who overcomes by being light to a darkened world. He is great and mighty and deserves our thanksgiving and praise each day.
Now tell someone this truth of the One who brings light to everything!
[1] The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, John 1-11 (Moody Publishers, 2006, Chicago, Il.), pg. 23.