January 8, 2023
Testifying of the Light
“There came a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to testify about the Light, so that all might believe through him.” John 1:6-7 (NASB)
There are thousands of martyrs who have died for the cause of Christ over the centuries. Men and women were sent by God to testify about the light, so that all might believe through Him. Each knew the risks they were taking but still witnessed for the cause of Christ and His salvation. Their mission was to see that where God sent them, they testified to Christ’s message.
Consider this story. Pastor Jimendra Nayak served in India. He often received threats to his life for witnessing to his Hindu neighbors by radical Hindu sects. As he served in the Indian Church Assembly, in the northern village of Baliguda, Kandhamal district, he preached the message of salvation on January 1, 2006. His message was from Romans 10:13-14 concerning the importance of growing in Christian faith. Little did he know this would be his last sermon. Later that day he left by taxi who would take him home through the busy streets and traffic. He never left the taxi though. His body was later discovered in the cab. Death apparently came by severe head trauma. When police investigated the death, they declared it was the result of a traffic accident. Unfortunately, there were some severe discrepancies in their report that alluded to a more sinister story. It was premeditated murder. “Pastor Nayak was among the impassioned who sought out God’s Kingdom with intense desire and sought to share its light with others as well. Through him, the kingdom advanced forcefully. His work had been completed, his race run. Now others take the torch and carry the light of the gospel of Christ as a beacon for the lost and dying in Nayak’s community.”[1]
In our passage today, this is the first mention of John the Baptist in the Bible. He was sent by God to testify of One who was coming. John’s name in Hebrew means “God has dealt graciously.” His name indicates the saving grace that God gives to those who acknowledge His name. He lived that life well. When grace appeared, testimonies were clear.
When a person has received the grace of God, they can’t help but want to share it with others. John’s life began in darkness and was later brought into the light. When that light appeared into his life, he couldn’t help but want to share that light with someone else. He too gave his life for the light. Some men are chosen by God for differing countries. Pastor Nayak just happened to be one in his own country, and he too became one who was sent by God and came to testify about the Light.
In America today, not many can say that they have been opposed to the extent of these faithful martyrs. In fact, we live in a society where we can still actively testify about the light. As Christians we are commanded by God to share the Light with others around us. We are lights to a darkened world who desperately needs to hear the good new of Jesus Christ and His forgiveness. Will you choose one person today to share the light with today? Then another tomorrow?
[1] Foxe: Voices of the Martyrs, John Foxe (The Voice of the Martyrs, China, 2007) pg. 325.